Welcome to my movie blog!

Welcome to my movie blog, a place where I will provide my thoughts on movies, ranging from reviews, box office projections, to industry analysis. However, I am going to mainly focus on reviews, for now.

Now, you are probably wondering..... why should I listen to this guy? How is he different from the 10 million other people who blog about movies.....

Well, for the most part, I am not different from everyone else. However, unlike 99.9% of the other blogs, I work in the film industry, have been associated with the film industry for nearly my entire life, and I have very little expectations when I go to see a movie (this is truly the best way to go to a movie.... it makes it very hard to be disappointed).

I try to see as many movies as possible. Some I will see pre-release, but most I see after they are in theatres. Most, if not all reviews I write will come after the movie is released....